Nakia with Bubbleshine Design is a magician at wordpress and making businesses come alive on the internet!! Thank you for your creative genius and continuing to share my business's message through your design!
Shannon BeckLife Coach

PROJECT TYPE: Website Redesign // BubblePack #2

LAUNCHED: October 2017


Redesigning Endless Ocean Coaching the first time, back in June of 2016 was the impetus for launching my own business. I had been building websites for four years at that point, but that was the first project that I did as a solo artist, if you will. So, it was incredibly empowering.

Having the opportunity to redesign one of my own projects was really interesting, because I was able to see how much my own style had evolved, while being part of the evolution of Endless Ocean Coaching as well.

Having just finished Shannon the Coach right before starting this project, I had a really clear vision of how I wanted this site to look, so it came together quickly, fueled by inspiration.

I took some of my favorite elements from Shannon the Coach and subdued them, making them more appropriate for a corporate audience while still infusing the site with the energy that Shannon brings to her work.

Lightly textured backgrounds make words pop out on the page, while graphic patterns peek out from behind the title sections. The movements are still there, just more subtle, and the blog is contained within the same ocean blue gradient scale that appears on Shannon the Coach.

For me, everything came together on the front page. That’s always the tough part for me, because it’s the first impression, and it should be show-stopping. I absolutely loved the continuous scrolling collage on Shannon the Coach, and I wanted to find a way to bring that to this site as well.

I was thrilled to find a set of beautifully seamless wave graphics that fit perfectly with the vibe of the site, and I was able to use one as the scrolling background behind Shannon’s photo. As soon as I saw it in action, I literally cheered in delight!

Of course, it doesn’t really matter how much I like something, it all comes down to what the client thinks, and thankfully Shannon loved it, too!

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