It has been my experience that, by the time I’m asking myself if it’s time to change up my look, I already know deep down that the answer is an emphatic YES.

But deciding to redesign your website is a much bigger deal than deciding to get bangs, so I’ve put together this handy-dandy guide to help you out.

Read the following statements and see if they apply to you. If you answer “true” to more than three, you should HIT ME UP so we can chat!

HINT: You can click the statements to find out why they’re important!

Why this is important: Websites are a neat combination of design and technology, two areas are always advancing and evolving at rapid rates.

Much like your personal electronic devices, a web design can start to look and feel obsolete quickly if it’s not regularly updated.

Chances are, if it’s been more than four years since your site was built or redesigned, it’s time for a makeover.

Why this is important: Having a website that you’re embarrassed about is obviously a problem for many reasons. Not only does it indicate that your site isn’t serving its intended purpose, but it can also give potential clients a poor first impression.

Why this is important: If one person sees that your website needs a makeover, it’s almost a guarantee that others would say the same. This observation could come from many things: outdated design, poor mobile experience, lack of useful information, and so on.

Why this is important: Your website is essentially the online version of your business. It should be current, relevant, and updated regularly. If potential customers are getting false, outdated, or inaccurate information from your site, that could have a negative impact on their decision to do business with you.

Why this is important: A website should be the most powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal, so if you don’t feel like you can use it that way, you could be losing a lot of potential business. Not cool!

Why this is important: More people browse the web on mobile devices than desktop, so now more than ever, it is imperative to have a mobile-friendly website. If your website doesn’t look good or perform well on mobile, your business will appear outdated and out of touch to potential clients.

Why this is important: Blog, blog, blog. More like blah, blah blah, am I right?

But, seriously. Keeping a blog on your site is super important for so many reasons. The main one, however, is SEO.

Long gone are the days of keyword stuffing and cheating your way to the top of the search results. Algorithms these days are based on actual content – fresh, related, readable content – and if you aren’t supplying a continual stream of it, then you are going to get left behind.

Blogging is also an essential tool for engaging your audience, and building trust in you as an expert in your field.

Why this is important: Chances are, if maintaining your site is a pain in the you-know-what, it will keep getting shoved to the bottom of your to-do list until you’re so far behind, you think “what’s the point?”

Your website tells your brand story, and if you’re not the one providing the narrative, potential customers are going to fill in the blanks on their own.

Why this is important: When it comes to makeovers, it’s not just about slapping a fresh coat of digital paint on your site – your content could need a makeover as well.

Content is the key to SEO. If you’re wondering how you can improve your search results, let me help you with an SEO audit. We can figure out some solutions together!

Why this is important: Your website IS your brand. If it doesn’t reflect your vision, then potential customers aren’t seeing your business for what it truly is, and that could be hurting your bottom line.

An aesthetically pleasing website can help you outshine your competition, but design is useless without a function.

So, how did your site stack up against this quiz? If you’re ready to chat about what Bubbleshine Design can do to help you, fill out the Project Request Form and I’ll get in touch with you!

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