Dang, girl. Why do your websites cost so much?

Yes, I’m going there. I’m talking about money.

And you know what? It’s really not that scary, I promise.

One of the goals I set for myself when I decided to start my freelance business, was to be transparent about pricing. It’s one of the first questions that someone asks when they find out I’m a web designer.

“Oh yeah? How much does a website cost?”

It’s a fair and practical question, and I don’t mind answering. That’s why my prices are listed prominently on my own website. No “contact me for a free quote” button here. That’s not how I roll. If your only question is how much a website costs, then I’m happy to be up front with you, so we can get to the realquestion.

How much is a good website worth?

To determine the answer, I asked myself three questions when deciding on the prices for my website packages, and here’s what I came up with.

What's the true value of an awesome website?

The quick and honest answer here, is that the value of an awesome website is limitless.

Odds are, you don’t want to put a cap on the amount of potential profit that your business or organization can bring in. And having a kickass website is a huge part of that. Your website tells your story, and should set you apart from the rest of your competition.

There is no real way to put a price tag on potential, right?

What is my time worth?

The price of my web design packages are mostly based on time estimates – how much time I will spend, on average, for that size of a website.

So, how much is my time worth?

I’ll be transparent about that, too. I base my rates at $95/hour.

Why do I believe my time is worth that much? That’s a tricky question to answer without tooting my own horn. But, since this is my website, I suppose it’s my right to toot-toot to my heart’s content!

I have over five years of experience building WordPress websites that clients have loved. I put my entire heart into every project, and I spend a lot of time sweating the tiny details that will make your website shine. I won’t rest until you’re happy and satisfied with your investment.

So, I have absolutely no problem believing that the product I am providing is worth the price tag I put on it.

But that doesn’t mean that, just because I’m worth it, that it magically becomes affordable to those who want to work with me, and that brings my to the final, and possibly most important question that I asked myself when setting my prices:

What if awesome people can't afford my websites?

Working with startups, small businesses, entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, and non-profits is my jam. I love collaborating with clients who are passionate about what they do, just as I’m passionate about what I do.

Passion doesn’t always equate to profit right away, so I completely understand that dropping this kind of cash on a website might be a struggle for some of the potential clients that I want to work with the most.

So, if you’re in that boat, here’s what I say: come sail my way anyway! Let’s talk about your goals and your budget, and see how we can work together.

One of my goals is to provide a web solution for every budget, so by having those conversations and building creative custom plans, we can help each other and create a win-win scenario.

To start that conversation today, CLICK HERE.

Have more questions? I have an FAQ page! CLICK HERE.

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